Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
eyes still
order once more
suppressed the air
with the distant sobs of
closed eyes,
to open them
would dull
the rattling teacups
and the shrill cries
would take place
a grown woman;
she would
the dream of Wonderland and
feel a simple sorrow
in remembering

Editors for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland not yet setup.
New Beginnings is our third and final volume of 2020. It is also our longest yet, with close to 100 pieces having been sent in for review from over 80 writers. Additionally, this volume marks a step towards making our initiative even more inclusive, having opened submissions for art and photography, too.
2021 may not be the new beginning for which we are all hoping. In fact, it is likely that the world will stay largely the same. However, that doesn’t stop us doing what we can to make it a little better. In supporting and being involved in an initiative whose primary motivation is to build one another up, our team and readership have certainly proven to be committed to making positive change already.
First published by Ta Voix 2020